The BMI Report Card was created and implemented following initiatives promoted in Arkansas and Massachusetts. The BMI Report Card assesses the weight status of school children as a mechanism to increase parental awareness, provide local resources and tips on how to maintain a healthy body weight.
The BMI Report Card requires the measurement of each student's height and weight for calculation of body mass index (BMI) and plots these results on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts according to age and gender.
The use of the BMI Report Card, in addition to increasing awareness of weight status among parents, generates a useful database for schools, districts, communities and counties. The database allows communities to objectively evaluate the weight status of children for identifying necessities for interventions and for outcome measures.
For more information visit:
School Districts interested in adopting the BMI Report Card for use in your schools complete the registration link below.
Upon registration, you receive access to our secured website where heights and weights are entered, along with gender and date of birth. A BMI is calculated and percentile ranking is described. You can then chose to send BMI Report Cards via email to parents/guardians and schools can generate aggregate reports by grade, gender, school, district, etc and track changes over time.
An example BMI Report Card is available here
A BMI Report Card data collection app is also available on iTunes to assist school nurse's with data collection.
Upon registration, you receive access to our secured website where heights and weights are entered, along with gender and date of birth. A BMI is calculated and percentile ranking is described. You can then chose to send BMI Report Cards via email to parents/guardians and schools can generate aggregate reports by grade, gender, school, district, etc and track changes over time.
For more information, or to use the BMI Report Card or BMI calculator, contact: Bryce Abbey, PhD. at or call 308-865-8336.